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Luv(Sic) Part 4




Visual exploration


Graphic Designer


Adobe Ps, Ai

The Luv(Sic) Hexalogy is a collaborative project between two friends Nujabes and Shing02. With all that had happened in 2020, I want to create this calendar to share with everyone the lyrics of this song, and the celebration for love and life behind its creation — between two friends and their mutual passion for music.

“Snow flakes in January”

“Heart warm like February”

“I wouldn't ordinarily, March to the drum...”

“... play a fool like April”

“May the best dance...”

“... in a Juno bridal”

“Power of the will, Julius...”

“... and Augustus”

“In a new semester, back in September / Boy, I wonder if you still remember”

“Dress up at the end of October”

“Give thanks to the fam in November”

“A cold but cozy December / And we're back to the origin, so let me begin”